Sunday 29th November 2015 – good news and bad news

I’ll start with the bad news as that has upset me. I heard that my younger half-sister, Dora has died from cancer. She was the only one of my half-sisters that I really knew. She was a lovely dog and was quite like me in temperament. We all send our very best wishes to her family and know how much they must be grieving. She was only seven years old.

On a brighter note, Wilma, who shares Dora’s birthday, went through the whole night without needing to go out to the toilet. Our Mistress did take her outside, just in case and she looked at her as much as to say ‘What are we doing out here at this silly hour of the night?’ Then happily went through the night and slept through until 6.15 in the morning. Even then she wasn’t crying and desperate to go out, but just sitting quietly waiting for our Mistress to wake up.

We went to see my sister Esther and I have to say on both sides the animosity is as great as ever. I was delighted to see my original human mum and dad and had a lovely walk with dad, to try to calm me down as I was so stressed about Esther. Wilma excelled herself and fell in the pond. She just picked herself up, got out and shook and carried on as though nothing had happened. She also walked into the glass doors of the hotel when we arrived this evening too, but she’s none the worse for wear. imageShe keeps forgetting to check ears are in the right position as you can see in the photograph.

We stopped at the most amazing garden centre on the way to the hotel. Wilma has a new rope toy that she is very happy with and our Mistress thinks she might at last have solved the crow problem. They had an owl ornament that she is going to stick on the porch. She is hoping that encountering an owl staring back will dissuade the crow from approaching the window. Our Mistress has also started getting into the Christmas mood and bought a Santa and a reindeer ornament amongst other things. I’ll try to remember to show you those when she puts them up.

Dixie is much better and we heard from Della today too. Della is being a good little girl and sleeping through the night. Everything seems to be going very well for them, which is great to hear.

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hello Alfie and all the travellers. I love the picture of Wilma she looks really cute. Hope your journey is not too difficult today. It is very windy here. I wanted to let you know that I went to a local dog show today and I came first in my class. Before you get too excited I was the only one in it!!! There were only 4 Import Register entries anyway and one did not come. I think I am improving in the ring so I must keep up the practice. I had a nice walk around the fields nearby before I came home. Love to you all, Dickens X
    Dickens X

    • A win is a win. Enjoy it. You are certainly handsome enough to beat all the opposition, so well done. It was a very windy journey and we were pleased to get home. We’re having a quiet day today… as quiet as it can be with a puppy!

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