Sunday 15th November 2015 – Learning Fast

Alfie’s girlfriend, Bella, went into labour yesterday. She had a very long labour and must be very tired. Her firstborn was a little boy called Albion who had the privilege to bring our numbers in the UK to 60. As I write this she has had seven but may not have finished. So welcome to Astro, Alfonzo, Albany, Aslan, Alpha and Arthos. Alfie says he’s happy to be a step-dad if you need him to be and he can’t wait to come and see you and tell you how proud of you he is.

The pups are learning fast, but not in a good way. They all choose to poo in the area that was their whelping box. Our Mistress will normally be able to lean over the pen far enough to reach to clean it out without having to brave the marauding hordes! Anyway, the pups have worked out that is what she is going to do, so they maraud from the other side. It’s like it’s a game of who can get the poo first. It’s about 50:50 at the moment! In reality our Mistress is now trying to teach them to sit when she goes to the pen with bowls of food.

She won’t open the gate to put it in until they all sit nicely and don’t jump up. Of course, they have great difficulty containing their enthusiasm but they are trying very hard.

Our Mistress took a picture of me trying to get to know Duchess better yesterday. She’d been having some blanket time with help from our Master and I said I’d like to help too. We got on very well and she said she thought having a big brother was cool.

When the dog sleeps, he is sweet!
When the dog sleeps, he is sweet!

In the German language course our Mistress is doing one line translates as ‘When the dog sleeps he is sweet’, now I realise the implication but you can’t help thinking it applies to the puppies in this photo!

Today’s video is HERE

The puppies have nearly all passed 5kg, but now quite. Dixie is now 4990g having added 205g! Duchess is 5410g having added a more ladylike 75g. Della added 250g taking her over the 6kg and is now 6170g and D’Artagnan added 240g and is now 6360g.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Exciting news about Bella, has she had all her puppies yet? I cannot wait to meet all the new Entlebuchers at the fun days it will be great. Love to you all Dickens X

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