Saturday 14th November 2015 – A Lovely Birthday

If you leave aside the wind and rain, which meant I didn’t want to go for a walk, I had a lovely birthday. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I heard from friends in more countries than I can count. It was all rather overwhelming. I started the day by getting into bed with our Mistress, which is actually the best way to start a day. Then it carried on being good because after breakfast I had my very own birthday bone and there wasn’t one for any of the others. To make sure Shadow didn’t steal it my Mistress kept her and Ari out of the way until I said I was ready to share. It worked out ok because while he had a chew Ari said I could use his new bed, which is really rather cosy and where it is under the work surface is quite dark and feels safe. Anyway, I came out for some mid morning duck strips and then in the afternoon enjoyed having some visitors who are hoping to have one of our breed go to live with them in a while. There were obviously more duck strips and my new bowl, and then the day was rounded off with a bowl of ice cream of my very own with a helping of caramel sauce which is my favourite. The puppies joined in singing Happy Birthday to me, even though they didn’t know the words. On top of all that our Mistress showed me an email from a company who are nominating us as one of the top five dog blogs in the UK, but I’ll tell you more about that another day. I’m off to put my paws up and leave Ari to tell you about the puppies.


I’m back. I think I should just say that Alfie had had the whole of the filling from his bone before he let me anywhere near it, but I still enjoyed chewing on what was left. Our Mistress had thrown out a lot of my old bones so it was nice to get my mouth round a new one.

The puppies are just great. Our Mistress wants to take them outside to play for a few

Della, D'Artagnan and Duchess watching Dixie having suppertime milk
Della, D’Artagnan and Duchess watching Dixie having suppertime milk

minutes, but the weather has been so bad that she doesn’t think they would enjoy it all that much. She is going to see how it is today, but giving we are on severe weather warnings she’s not optimistic.

They have had a quiet couple of days, but seem to have done a lot of growing. Even our Mistress has noticed the change and she sees them all the time. To save keep moving them or having them trying to climb out of the gate, our Mistress has been leaning over the pen to put in their food or to reach to clean up when they have pooed. There is just one small problem. Her ribs and hip bones are now completely covered in bruises and hurting quite a lot, so she is going to have to change approach. She is now trying to teach the puppies to get down and wait patiently. If it goes as well as the grass then I don’t hold out much hope! We’re going to try taking some photos of the puppies individually standing nicely, but you know what puppies are like. They are either asleep or moving. Out Mistress thinks doing this properly would need at least two humans, but our Master is busy with his pantomime dress rehearsals today so he can’t help.

The puppies were good overnight and although they did all get up and use the toilet, they had kept everything very neat and avoided running through anything nasty. They really do try to be good pups. Dixie’s humans are coming to see her again today so she is very very excited, but then Dixie is always excited and is the happiest little dog we know. If she doesn’t win some ‘Dog with the waggiest tail’ competitions I’d be very surprised.

D’Artagnan is now a 6kg dog! He weighed in at 6120g an increase of 220g on yesterday. Della is now 5920g an increase of 130g. Duchess is 5335g an increase of 245g! and Dixie is 4785g an increase of 90g. It is funny looking at her against the others, she seems small but in reality it is the others who are large. By the same age i weighed just 4280g and look how I turned out.

Just to let you know that Bella went into labour last night, but she is making a long process of it and we’re still waiting for news of the arrival of her first pup. Shadow’s first litter took a long time so it is not that surprising. We’re all thinking of you Bella.

Today’s video is HERE

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


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