Puppies having fun


The puppies have been having lots of fun today. They have been playing quite a bit and causing endless trouble as puppies should. Today’s video is HERE and is a close up of them playing.

They all sat still for a photo too so here is


one of each of them and you can see the differences when you see them like this.


They had their wormer today in a little milk. They were all very happy with the arrangement and our Mistress says she must do it like that in future. It made a lot less mess and a lot fewer problems doing it like that. They are also now eating some dry food as well. There is a little bowl left in the pen for when they fancy a little snack. They use it as toys some of the time too, but that’s to be expected. Dixie said she particularly appreciated it as her tummy seems to rumble long before mealtime.

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