The weights are not good. It turns out that rationing the amount of formula that the puppies were having was a big mistake and the reason they wanted feeding more often was because they were hungry. D’Artagnan lost 10g taking him back to 1760g. Duchess lost 5g, taking her back to 1575g. Della was the only one who gained and she added 30g taking her to 1610g while little Dixie lost 10g taking her to 1535g. Their next meal will be an eat as much as you like buffet, although the only things on offer will be any milk Shadow has and formula from a bottle. Our Mistress says she will then see how long they sleep for as to whether they stay with ‘eat as much as you like’ or are restricted to a new rather higher limit than the 30ml she was allowing each meal for each pup, on top of what they got from Shadow. I think the real problem is that Shadow is back to having virtually no milk. It may come back but in the meantime we need to make sure they are getting enough.
It’s all probably going to mean yet another Tesco’s order to make sure we have a good stock of ingredients as they are getting through the yoghurt and evaporated milk very quickly. It’s also going to mean a trip to the butcher for more eggs and beef liver to make stock, but as that’s only half a dozen doors down the road that isn’t difficult. Our Mistress says she may make a double batch of food next time to keep her going.
Apart from that they are all doing very well. There was a bit of a poo incident last night. D’Artagnan had left a little pile for clearing up and Della managed to roll in it before our Mistress or Shadow had chance to clean it up. It’s amazingly difficult to get it off the white puppy fur except by licking and I can assure you our Mistress was not about to try that! She used baby wipes as Shadow said she wasn’t feeling so well and would rather our Mistress did it!
At last our Mistress has spotted a differentiating marking between Duchess and Dixie. The white on Duchess’s neck goes round further on the left paw side. Actually there is another and Dixie has just a few white hairs on the back of her neck in exactly the same place that Amigo and Alan (Rafa) had when they were that age.
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