Now if you are not in an English speaking country you may not understand the title. I don’t know what phrase it would translate to in any other language, but here we say ‘Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched’ to mean don’t assume something is going to happen before it does. The three hour feed pattern did not continue and sadly not because our Mistress managed to push them out to four hourly! The puppies suddenly decided overnight that more regular feeds were called for and I have to say our Mistress looks rather the worse for wear this morning. She is waiting to see if they settle down again and planning an afternoon nap!
At one point in the night one of the puppies got her leg stuck through the bars and screamed, which was a shocking way for our Mistress to be woken, but she leapt out of the bed to sort the puppy out and all was well. Of course it had woken the others so they all wanted feeding too.
They are all doing well with their weights. D’Artagnan is off again having added 120g to reach 1770g. Della has caught Duchess up and they both now weigh 1580g, Duchess added 80g while Della added 110g! Dixie is making a bid to catch up to as she added 110g as well and is now 1545g. Our Mistress says they have all reached the very cuddly stage where they are totally irresistible… except on those occasions when a poo or pee situation ensues at which point they become completely resistible!
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