Struggling to Stand

Struggling to stand
Struggling to stand

It is so funny watching the puppies trying to lift themselves up onto their legs for the first time. None of them is walking yet, but they are starting to try using their front legs to do a little more than drag themselves forward along the floor.

Duchess eventually stopped crying this morning and our Mistress thinks that despite being bigger than her sisters she’s actually finding it hard to find and hold onto a teat. She was still hungry at the end of the meal but too tired to do anything about it. Anyway, she was offered a bottle to top up at the next feed and said she was very grateful. Our Mistress had got excited when Shadow moved this morning and had so much milk in one teat that it dripped. That’s how it’s supposed to be, but it was short lived and does seem to have been only the one. We’re hoping it gets easier and are just glad that Shadow has only a small litter this time as it is taking our Mistress a lot of time waiting through their feeding from Shadow to find who is still hungry at the end.

When I did today’s video for you, I couldn’t believe how much they had grown over the weekend. You can see it HERE. They all seem to be healthy and happy and that’s the main thing. Our Mistress was celebrating getting two and half hours sleep in one go last night, but she’s flagging again now.

It was funny earlier we had a lovely email asking if we’d test an animal calmer product in preparation for firework night. It may well be very good, but our Mistress declined as whilst we might have many issues in life, that is not one of them. In fact Aristotle normally finds himself a window to watch them from. When you live with our Mistress you rapidly learn to expect the unexpected and take it in your stride. If we were the sorts of dogs that got stressed by things we’d be positively neurotic by now!

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