Saturday 3rd October 2015 – back on the bottle

01b5028d77ac692fad643f25c218c41dccc6571864Well hello, I’m home. Did you miss me? I’ve been away for one week and the changes round here are amazing. When I left my mum was waddling around hardly able to move and no fun at all. Now she’s back to being her spritely self and instead there are four roly-poly little things that are apparently my brother and sisters, but they don’t want to play which makes me suspicious. I’m used to brothers and sisters wanting to play. I suppose I was around at this stage in previous year’s but I was much younger and don’t really remember that much about it. Anyway, how’ve you been?

My week wasn’t so bad. It’s a great kennels and I love them all there, but there’s no place like home. I don’t suppose it was me you wanted to hear about though.

Back on the bottle isn’t either me or our Mistress you’ll be pleased to know. It’s the puppies. With her swish new puppy scales it makes it much easier four our Mistress to check on progress and as they all looked as though they were struggling to find enough food yesterday afternoon she decided to check and sure enough the two smallest had lost weight during the day. When they were offered a bottle, poor things ate so greedily that it was obvious how hungry they were. They all got offered a bottle at the next few feeds to supplement what they’d had from Mum and before our Mistress knew it they were happy to sleep for an hour and a half between feeds and were happy contented pups. Our Mistress was staggered by the weight difference today. Duchess is now 955g, an increase of 115g on yesterday. D’Artagnan is 940g an increase of 130g. Dixie is 880g, up 100g on the day and Della is not far behind. She is 850g an increase of 95g. The good thing was that on the last feed they turned the bottle down so it seems they got enough from Shadow on that meal. We’ll see how the day goes. Duchess is at this stage the heaviest any puppy has been and is a full 10 days sooner in reaching that weight than I was, but then I was a problem child!

They are getting their exciting new bedding today too. Well exciting for the girls. It’s pink with paw prints on it, so I don’t know what D’Artagnan will think. I’ll have to show you that later.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi Ari, great to hear from you. Glad you had a good time when you were away.
    I am really enjoying hearing all about the puppies, it is brilliant getting two updates a day. Alfie will be pleased for a rest as he has had a hectic week.
    It is lovely weather here so I have been helping to cut the grass and collect up the fallen oak tree leaves. After my nap I am off for a walk in the woods.
    Send my love to everyone. Dickens XXXXXXX

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