Mum wants a long walk

0176bf9a80ddd3465cd4caebdb42e7421316215cb7Normally Shadow is very reluctant to leave the house and pups behind. Our Mistress has, in the past, had to almost drag her down the road to get her to leave. This year is different. Shadow hasn’t so much looked back as she’s walked away from the house and when they walked round the village green today she actually complained that our Mistress had turned for home so soon when she wanted to carry on up to her usual walk. You’d think she’d be wanting to get back. You’d also think having had an operation a week ago walking wouldn’t be that much fun. It just goes to show that I’ll never really understand my Mum.

I’m having to be good and it’s killing me. Oh sure, D’Artagnan can scream and everyone goes running to see what’s the matter. I start screaming and immediately I’m the naughty one. ‘It’s time to be responsible, Ari.’ ‘Set a good example, Ari.’ Well we’ll see about that! I’m busy plotting and it won’t be pretty.

Shadow has been doing a little better feeding them again today. Only Dixie has been asking for more, except for the time when D’Artagnan was screaming and he just wanted more milk from his mum when he was supposed to be asleep. For our Mistress what is great is that when they actually get enough to eat they then sleep for about an hour and three quarters, which means she has time to get a few bits done before going back to them. She’s looking forward to them getting to two hours as it will make sleep at night a little easier too.

Here’s today’s video. It won’t be long before there is a bit more to see. There were the first signs of them weight bearing on their front legs today, ready to start scampering around and playing ball… although I think that last bit may still be a few days away at least.

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