The Beginning of recognisable paws

0146cd7c7acb73719645df0156b62edc8c3e98eaf3When we are born our feet look like little club feet. When our Mistress looked after the first litter she was really worried that there was something wrong with them. She has since learned that they just look like that when we are born and while we’re crawling on them before they start to develop into little paws. They look really cute at this stage.

Slowly the meal times are moving a little further apart. As the pups get bigger and their tummies grow they can take on more food at once and then have a slightly longer break while they process it. Can you imagine if you got to my age and still needed to eat every hour? Of course it would be nice to have the opportunity, but that is denied to me. Anyway, the pups did need that at the start. They take ‘little and often’ to a whole new level of perfection. They have now spaced their eating out to being about every hour and a half and it won’t be long before they move to two hourly feeds. It’s ok as long as they all want to eat at the same time, otherwise it can get a bit more complicated.

Ari will be home shortly. I said I’d get this out of the way before he got back so that he can have some quality time with our Mistress and meeting his brother and sisters. I wish him luck to be honest. Shadow had one of her ‘moments’ again earlier and bit me. I only hope it doesn’t descend into chaos when Ari gets here. It’s been a long week so I’m going to take the weekend off and let Ari tell you his thoughts. I know he’ll be excited and have lots to tell you.

Today’s video is HERE

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Oh Alfie I hope you are feeling better now and the bite wasn’t too bad. Sending you cuddles and Sammi sends you lots of licks. xx

    • Thank you. It was more a shock this time rather than any actual blood. I was upset, but it wasn’t like my ear last week. I should be used to it by now!

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