Monday 21st September 2015 – Free Discover Dogs Tickets Competition


I promised to bring you the Discover Dogs Free Ticket Competition so here it is before everything starts hotting up for the puppies. If you have never been to Discover Dogs then I can wholeheartedly recommend it; as long as you like dogs of course, but I guess you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t! Anyway – this year for the first time it is being held at ExCel London on 17th and 18th of October. It’s being sponsored by Eukanuba which I can assure you from my point of view is a good thing as I’ve been eating their food for nearly ten years and love it now as much as I did when I was a puppy. Although I won’t be there in person this time you can meet many of my fellow Entlebuchers including some of Shadow’s children as well as hundreds of other breeds of dog of all shapes and sizes. You can talk to the people who know what their like to live with and ask about the Clubs for the breed to find out what health testing their breeders do and how easy the dogs are to live with. If you are looking to buy a new dog it really is the best way to find out about lots of different breeds, but it’s way more than that. If you just enjoy the company of dogs there is nowhere better to get to know them. Most of us are willing to be patted, stroked, cuddled and otherwise adored. Ari didn’t even object when a small child stuck his finger up Ari’s nose on one occasion.

Quite apart from meeting the dogs there are stalls selling all things dog related and activities and competitions to watch as well. It really is a great day out for all the family.

We are giving away two pairs of free tickets to the show so see the details below of how to enter, but if you can’t wait for that or you want more tickets you can also use the discount code DDCOMP to get 10% off the price of tickets.

Now for the competition: To enter just sign up for our newsletter (to the right of this post), and email me the answer to the following question – including your name and address in the email so the tickets can be sent to you if you win. In your email tell me ‘How much did Aristotle weigh when he was born?’ You can find the answer by going to this link to the birth of Shadow’s first litter. The deadline for entries is 1st October.

Just briefly an update on Shadow as you wouldn’t be pleased if I told you nothing of her progress. She’s fine, but we think the thermometer needs replacing! She has always shown an apparently low temperature, but then this time it started so low that either she was about to go into labour prematurely or there was something wrong with the measure. Our Mistress took her own temperature – under her arm before you ask – and it seems she’s heading for hyperthermia too so she thought it best to get a new thermometer which will arrive today. The very earliest we expect anything to happen is Wednesday but our Mistress says that realistically the earliest in her mind is Friday and the most likely is Sunday. I did wonder about opening a book but our Mistress says I’m not allowed to take bets. Do feel free to put in the comments when you think it will be day and time of birth of first pup and we’ll see who is nearest – just for fun!

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. It is all getting exciting now. I cannot wait to see pictures of the puppies.
    My guess for the time of arrival of the first one is Sat 26th at midday. Love to you all

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Tuesday 22nd September 2015 – More Haste Less Speed | Alfie's Diary – dog enough not to be human, human enough to be a pet.
  2. Thursday 24th September 2015 – Getting nearer | Alfie's Diary – dog enough not to be human, human enough to be a pet.

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