Saturday 19th September 2015 – Happy birthday to me

Aristotle now

I’d like to wish myself (Aristotle) a huge happy birthday and of course to Arnie, Addie, Rafa, Amigo, Soggi and Dora too. Today we are all four years old. That means it is four years since the first time that Mum was pacing her whelping box and going into labour. It would have been lovely if she could have been having them again today, but we have another week to wait for that to happen.  I was hoping to go to our Fun Day today so I could enjoy my birthday learning to cart, but because of Mum we have to stay nearer to home, which is a shame. I’ve been promised a big birthday walk later though.

I’m hoping my birthday present will arrive today and it is super cool. I’m having a foetal Doppler so I can listen to the puppies’ heartbeats. I’m not sure it is really just for me, but I’ve taken it that way. We are going to try to mark up where all the heartbeats are on Mum so we know how many there are and so that during the birth we can always check how they are doing if there is a pause in their arrival. There is a lead that I can attach to the computer to record them too so I’m hoping you can be part of the process as well. Isn’t that the coolest present ever? I think our Mistress is going to have to help me using it, but she won’t mind that.

The maternity suite is pretty much ready. We are bringing our Mistress’s bed down today. Obviously not the double one, it wouldn’t fit and our Master wouldn’t be too happy to find it had gone. The room is neatly organised into different areas. There is the whelping box and a separate pen with a heat pad for when they are tiny. Then there are the medical supplies and the scales and all the things needed in case they need hand feeding. Our Mistress is going to help Alfie set the webcam up today too so that he can watch what’s happening from outside the room. I’ve been told I won’t be able to watch as I’m being sent to stay in kennels for a few days so I don’t get in the way. Honestly, what gives them the idea that I’d get in anyone’s way? I’m allowed to help up until then though, but Mum has put her paw down and said I am absolutely not going to be the one to take her temperature. Our Mistress will start doing that today too so we know when everything is going to happen.

I’m off to see if anyone has made me a cake – have a great day.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARI! Hope you have a lovely day and gets lots of treats.
    My dad is feeling better so I think I am going to the Fun Day later. I may not be able to stay long but it will be good to see everyone.
    Lots of love to you all
    Dickens XXXXXXX

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