No wonder my Master wouldn’t tell me what was going on, there is no way I could have kept that to myself. He had invited a member of a Pipe Band to come to the house and play his bagpipes to lead our Mistress and the rest of the part down to the pub. You might wonder why and there’s a bit of a story behind that. The bagpipes are her favourite instrument. When she was a child there was a music shop in the town she lived in. She used to walk past it very often and in the window of the shop were a set of miniature bagpipes which cost £6. Well apparently in 1974 that was a lot of money. She longed to have them and for her birthday she got exactly that amount from different places and went straight to the music shop and bought them. She loved playing them and had them for three years until the bag burst. Anyway, they saw the pipers when they were in York a couple of weeks ago and she told my Master the story. It was a wonderful surprise for her and made both her and her mother cry so was clearly worth it. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to see it, but Shadow sent me a picture and it does look quite something. I think the whole village heard which is quite funny!
Oh her cake was pretty cool too!
Shadow asked me to tell you that she’s feeling a lot better and she says thank you for your concern. She is missing me and Ari and says she’ll be very pleased to see us. Apparently it doesn’t feel quite right at home without us around, which is good to hear. We’ll be home in the morning so she can relax then.
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