It’s Alfie here, even though it’s Saturday. Ari is fed up that I wanted to write it, but I couldn’t let the day go by without wishing our Mistress a happy 50th birthday. I’ve realised I was completely wrong in what I said earlier in the week. I’m not glad I’m in the peace and quiet of the kennels. I want to be at home snuggled up in bed with my beloved Mistress sharing the start to her birthday. No day is quite right when we don’t have our morning cuddle. Anyway, I hope she has a lovely day and that the surprises our Master has planned are good news. He wouldn’t actually tell me what was happening. He said I might blab. Honestly doesn’t he think I can keep a secret? Who in the world would I have told except you guys and you wouldn’t have said anything would you? Anyway, it means I’m completely in the dark and will have to wait to hear all about it before I can tell you. I’m hoping someone is going to take some photos too. I do hope she can manage her present opening without my help. I know it will be hard for her, but she’ll just have to try.
Shadow didn’t feel like eating yesterday morning, but she perked up later when our Mistress started cooking for all the guests. I think she’s at that stage of her pregnancy where it’s not that she doesn’t want to eat but it’s more that she is craving some very odd things. She certainly isn’t turning her nose up at the food our Mistress was preparing or the chance to lick out additional yoghurt pots. At least she has got some of the house to be a quiet space for her so she doesn’t get too excited or too stressed by all the visitors.
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