Tuesday 11th August 2015 – Pollinating pumpkins and a free book

Ok so not actually pumpkins, but ‘pollinating squash’ didn’t have the same ring to it. We are making progress. Now that our Mistress has understood that the flowers are only open in a morning when then things have become a little easier. She can now be found outside in her pyjamas sharing pollen from male flower to female flower and hoping she is doing it right. She will find out on the sooner of someone enlightening her or fruit starting to develop. I’m not holding my breath, but then I never was the world’s biggest optimist.

We are also trying to combat an infestation of black cherry aphid which are crippling the poor cherry tree. Because our Mistress is trying to grow things organically she is trying the ‘hose-pipe’ technique of spraying them into oblivion. It is a good job the weather is warm, with the holes in the hose-pipe it is just as likely that she will accidentally spray herself into oblivion.

Shadow went off on her first walk for a few weeks yesterday. She said she was a little tired, but it was nice to be able to take the world in and find out what she had been missing. She says she wasn’t sure if the tiredness was from her lack of exercise or part of her pregnancy. I suppose we’ll have to wait to find that one out. Her coat is amazingly thick and glossy at the moment if that is anything to go by. Our Mistress is making her use the ramp to get in and out of the car so she doesn’t overstretch herself.

Our Mistress’s book ‘Lovers Take Up Less Space’ which is a funny book about travelling on London Underground is free on kindle at the moment. You can find it on Amazon HERE.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com