Thursday 30th July 2015 – Home at Last

Well they did all get home eventually, but only after a very difficult journey. Our Mistress said that there were 33 miles of lorries waiting to go off to the Channel Tunnel to cross the France and on the direction they were coming there was a two and half hour delay where they didn’t move more than a few yards. After three hours in England they had only travelled 15 miles. To cheer Shadow up they did buy her a big ice cream cone at the service station and she said that on balance, as she was intending to put her feet up anyway, it wasn’t too bad to have to sit in the car. Our Mistress was very tired though and very happy to get out of the car. She says she doesn’t actually want to see the car again for a few days at least!

We are into catch up time now so I think we are supposed to sit quietly while our Mistress works and then just speak when we are spoken to. I’m better at that than Aristotle, but then I guess I’ve had more practice. In the meantime we are waiting to hear how one of the dogs of our friend in Switzerland is doing. She’s due to give birth at any time in the next couple of days. It is not the litter we’re hoping to have one from, that’s her housemate who is due to give birth next week, but we really hope all goes well.

The best bit as far I am concerned is there is a shopping delivery today to restock the food cupboards which were starting to look a little bare in places. I was pleased to note that dog biscuits are on the order so I’m not quite so cross about the lack of homecoming present for me.

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