Saturday 25th July 2015 – News of our Mum

It Aristotle here with news of how our Mum is doing in Switzerland. She went to the vet to have another progesterone test yesterday and will get the result later this morning. She said she’s crossing her paws that everything is going the right way and she certainly feels that in herself. She has the compulsion to pee every five yards to leave her scent everywhere and even when playing with a girl dog yesterday found herself moving her tail to the side a little, just in case! Anyway, here’s the exciting bit. She’s going to meet her new boyfriend for the first time this afternoon. She says now she’s older she’s not so sure that sex on a first date is a good idea so she thought she could get to know him a bit first and then maybe go to see him again at the start of next week to … well you know. It’s hard talking about things like that when it’s my mum I’m talking about.

Anyway, she’s booked another progesterone test for Monday to be on the safe side and our Mistress has resigned herself to having to stay away longer than she originally expected. They will be home to us just as soon as they can, I know that. Alfie is letting himself hope now that there might be a litter of puppies and that everything will be ok. At this rate they won’t be coming home very long before our new puppy is born. It’s a shame they couldn’t have got to meet her before they left. Alfie says I need to be patient and she’ll be here soon enough.

Shadow said they went for a drive through the mountains yesterday and the scenery was amazing. She felt quite proud to be a Swiss Mountain Dog and said it was a pretty cool place to think your ancestors came from. It wasn’t actually the part of Switzerland we’re from but another bit that our Mistress said had some very posh places in it. She didn’t take Shadow to the posh places, but that’s probably as well!

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