Friday 24th July 2015 – A game of roulette

Yesterday was a stressful day for the travellers. Shadow’s progesterone test result came back and was still very low. At first they thought it had gone down, but then understood there are two scales and actually it just means it is rising very slowly. That left my Mistress feeling more cheerful and optimistic but just having to accept that they will have to stay in Switzerland a little longer than they had originally thought. Shadow is having another test today and will get the result of that one tomorrow. Our Mistress thinks she might take her to meet the stud dog tomorrow or Sunday but without really expecting much to happen.

A girl has to stay cool
A girl has to stay cool

She is thinking of having another test on Monday too and that it may be Tuesday or Wednesday before they actually mate. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were not going to run out of clean clothes, but our Mistress is asking a friend if they can take their clothes and use the washing machine! It is so warm that they are having more showers a day than they would normally, but even that only helps to some extent.

We’re all ok here, just plodding on without them and hoping they come home soon. We miss them, but understand that it all has to be done. I think I’m more supportive thinking it will probably be the last litter I am around. After Shadow finishes it will be a while before there will be another litter in the house, given our next puppy has not even been born yet! It means I would probably be at least 12 years old before the next litter in the house and I’m not sure I’ll still be around by then. Mum was only 12 when she died and Dad was younger than that, so I’m just being realistic. Anyway, it means I want to make the most of this litter of Shadow’s and am just hoping it all goes right in the end.

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