Wednesday 22nd July 2015 – Here we go again

storuWell Shadow has arrived in Switzerland. We’d like to think the storks they saw at the service station were a good omen, but sadly other things don’t seem to be going quite so well. Shadow’s progesterone test on Monday was very low still and that suggests it could be a while before she is ready to mate. She is having another test today and will get the result tomorrow. As long as it is going up at a reasonable rate then our Mistress is still optimistic that things will work out. She will probably have another test on Friday too. It doesn’t look like they will be home at the weekend. Apart from that Shadow says she is finding the heat too much. It’s 34 degrees and she’s just not used to it. The hotel is having building work done too, so the car park is a mess and the restaurant is closed. Our Mistress says it feels like Christmas all over again and I don’t think she means that in a good way! She is just hoping that the car doesn’t break down this time as that would not be funny!

Our Mistress went in the shower to cool off and Shadow said it even crossed her mind to do something similar. Our Mistress wishes she’d taken Megan’s old cooling coat with her for Shadow to use. It would have been a good idea but when you live in a country that so rarely gets hot it isn’t something you think about so much. Our Mistress improvised with aFullSizeRender wet hotel towel. Shadow looked as though she had just come from a hotel spa but she did say it helped, even though she was dripping cold water all over the carpet. She did say it helped a bit though.

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