Sunday 12th July 2015 – What a day

Yesterday was really quite something. Our Mistress was up at five to make a start on everything and even before her own breakfast had made up 70 cheese or ham rolls. We helped of course. Alfie, Shadow and I all sat at her feet waiting for anything she might drop. We weren’t as bold as Bilbo at lunch time though. He went up and nonchalantly licked a bread roll and bowl of crisps so we knew they were his! All the preparation was worth it and everything was set up in time for the arrival of the dogs. It was hard work but I am delighted to say that all five who had entered passed their tests. Two of the boys got ‘Excellent’ for their conformation test, which is as good as you can get, including my brother Basil (Beethoven) so I was very proud of him. The other one was Bilbo who was also the biggest dog there and I didn’t get on so well with him as he took a shine to our mum and I thought I should defend her honour. When we got home she took me on one side and explained that given each of her litters has a different father her honour is probably long past defending. Anyway, my sister Cinders (Cinderella), a lovely girl called Coco and a boy called Mylo who is my mum’s first half-cousin (if that is what it is when the previous generation were only half-brothers) all passed too with ‘Very Good’ as their results. It means there are now 4 qualified stud dogs in this country and 6 girls who are qualified to breed. We just need them all to have some puppies now.

I got to take part in some of the Fun Day in the afternoon, but our Mistress was so busy sorting things out and talking to people that I had to miss some. We did play biscuit Jenga though. We had to make a pile of biscuits without me eating any of them. It was hard, but I did it and we won. Which was good as the prize was some of my favourite biscuits so it was worth the restraint.

By the time we got home and put everything away our Mistress was almost asleep on her feet. It was worth it though.

Oh I forgot to tell you the other piece of good news. We heard last night that Tosca in Switzerland is pregnant. That’s exciting because if all goes well she will be the mum of our new puppy. It still depends on her having a girl and her being suitable but the first stage has gone ok. You take care Tosca, we’re all thinking about you.

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