Saturday 11th July 2015 – Good Luck Everyone

Aristotle writes

Today is such an exciting day for our breed. It is only the second time we have run the tests in this country which allow dogs to qualify to join the breeding programme. We make sure that the dogs pass their health tests and then do a test of their character when all sorts of things happen around them and they have to stay nice and calm. Then they are checked to make sure they are sufficiently close to what we should look like. It’s a bit more complicated than checking if we have an extra leg that no one has noticed, but does involve checking we have all the right teeth and that we are the right shape and size. Anyway, there are five dogs doing their tests today, two girls and three boys. One is my brother Basil and one is my sister Cinders. I’m not allowed to go and watch this morning as I’d get in the way, but I can go to see them this afternoon and take part in the Fun Day games. You wouldn’t believe all the things our Mistress has to do to make the day work well. She was even up before me this morning and had already done some things last night. I offered to help making the sandwiches for the lunch for everyone but oddly my offer was turned down. I really can’t think why! She has said I might be able to have a corner from something if it doesn’t all get eaten.

My sister Addie is coming all the way from the north coast of Scotland to be at the fun day. She hasn’t been ‘home’ since she left when she was eight weeks old. I wonder if she’ll recognise it. It’s going to be so good to see one of my litter mates. I did see Dora last year, but she is too much like Mum and that was asking for trouble. Oh and of course I saw Amigo a while ago too and that was good. It’s a shame that Amigo can’t come to play this afternoon, I’m sure he’d have liked to see Addie too. Dickens will be here too so it really is very exciting.

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