Friday 10th July 2015 – The art of sleeping with a dog

I think our Mistress deserves a special award for having mastered the art of sleeping curled up with not just one, but two dogs. I’m sorry, I couldn’t bring you a photograph as it would have meant one of us moving and once we were in position that wasn’t going to happen without good reason. Anyway, our Mistress has now fully perfected the right angles to make this work. She lies on her left side in a sort of reverse zed shape. I curl up in the crook of the top zed with my head under her chin and my legs curled up on her legs and Shadow snuggles into the lower part of the zed with her bottom nestled in behind our Mistress’s knees and then we can all go back to sleep and stay perfectly in position for a good couple of hours. Occasionally it goes a bit wrong and our Mistress wakes up with no feeling in parts of her body, or my hair tickles her as I’m under the covers with her. (Shadow at least stays on top of the duvet, she wouldn’t be able to breathe otherwise!). Thankfully we can all go for quite a long time without wanting to roll over and usually what makes us move is one or other of us needing the loo or getting hungry. I do spare an odd thought for Aristotle missing out on it all, but he just hasn’t mastered the art of staying still for as long as the rest of us and doesn’t tolerate the others of us being part of the bundle.

I’d also like to publicly thank whoever found summer and returned it at least for a while. I’m very pleased to see it and am just hoping it doesn’t wander off again anytime soon.

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