Thursday 9th July 2015 – I should have learnt by now

I took a leaf out of Aristotle’s book yesterday and ate one or two of the fallen apples. I would just like to say, it was a big mistake. Why I haven’t learnt by my age I really don’t know, but they made me very sick and our Mistress was none too pleased. She has promised when they are ripe that I can have one or two. There are certainly enough on the tree for her to share, it’s just that I was feeling a wee bit peckish yesterday and they looked appetising. Again being stupid I had one from the cooking apples rather than the eating apples, not that I suppose at this stage it would make much difference. I really should know that copying anything that Aristotle does is a recipe for disaster!

Shadow has now passed another of the time intervals of previous seasons, so there are now only three that have been longer than this. I think our Mistress has all but given up expecting anything to happen at all. Knowing Shadow, when our Mistress is least expecting it she will say that she is ready and could our Mistress pack their bags. At this rate she will be able to take part in the Fun Day and see her children on Saturday. Maybe that’s what she’s been waiting for. Maybe once that is out of the way she will be ready to go on her holiday. I don’t think there is anything else in the diary she could possibly be waiting for, except of course Christmas but she did that last year! Maybe she thinks our Mistress would like to go to Switzerland for her birthday, but that is still many weeks away – though it’s getting closer all the time! These things are sent to try us.

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