Monday 8th June 2015 – Funny place to park a car

Shadow went on a long forest walk yesterday. When they arrived at the car park there was a car whose handbrake had failed and which had rolled down the hill into two other cars. Our Mistress was glad she hadn’t been there earlier as she rather likes her car and would have found it very upsetting. They felt very sorry for the owners of the cars as it must all have been very difficult. Anyway, Shadow had a lovely walk. She was limping a little by the end, but it is by far the furthest she has walked in two months. She said it didn’t seem to be the best time to be cutting down on her pain killers, but our Mistress said she can have a rest day today and should be fine again tomorrow. I wanted to go, but our Mistress pointed out that it was no good my saying after 100 metres that I’d had enough and wanted to wait in the car as it would have been too hot. I know she was right, but to add insult to injury Shadow had an ice cream as well. It is hard getting old and having to accept you can’t do some of the things you did when you were young. To be honest I was doing better with the whole age thing until a week or so ago and I’m going through another bad patch. We’re hoping that swimming tomorrow will help. Somehow it seems to make me feel a whole lot better sometimes, mentally as well as physically.

I told you that our Mistress set herself a writing challenge to write 30,000 words in 30 days and I’m pleased to say she will complete it today with 3 and half days to spare. What she’s decided to do is see how many she manages in total and then set out to do more than that in the following month. Of course a trip to Switzerland may slow her down, but it’s good to have goals.

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