Monday 1st June 2015 – A wonderful day

Shadow had a wonderful day out at the Dutch Club 40th Anniversary show yesterday. The010a62d8b0d0ca84e716f9126ff69e9254df27ebb0 weather wasn’t great but she didn’t mind that too much. Hers was one of the biggest classes for the girls and as expected she wasn’t placed. She would have done better but for her bad leg, but given it was her first ever show neither she nor our Mistress were too disappointed. She did say she had a great time meeting some lovely dogs, including some very handsome boys. Our Mistress tried out her German on some of her German friends and it is improving, but it’s fair to say it is going to be some time before she’s fluent and she was glad that so many people speak good English. She remembered a little bit of her Dutch from when we lived in Belgium, but not enough to string more than a few words together.

01a8cb62de2bae08df42a5e6252aebf14dc7e2f6f9There were some wonderful  carts there being pulled by Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Bernese Mountain Dogs Shadow said she would like to have a chance of pulling just a little cart, but with her bed leg that may not be able to happen any time soon.

When it all finished she went back to the hotel to put her paws up and get ready for her trip home today. She’s calling in on my sister Esther and her family on her way home tomorrow. I only hope Shadow gets on better with Esther than I do. I think she’ll like my niece, Marie, though.

There is nothing exciting happening here without them. The sweet potatoes now look as though they have died from cold completely, so that’s one less vegetable to look after. For future reference I think our Mistress should pay more attention to what crops actually like growing this far north or put a greenhouse in. Her optimism on the benefits of global warming seem to be a little misplaced.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

You can find short stories to read at


  1. That’s good that Shadow and your Mistress had a great time at the show Alfie, great to hear. Tell your Mistress that, on the gardening front, I’m having great fun with a little CultiCave (from Amazon) – it’s a bit like the ‘pup tent’ of pop-up greenhouses, a minimini polytunnel (you can zip them on to each other to make a tunnel!), because we’re a lot further North than you, with a North-facing garden. It’s makes its own little microclimate! Needs two adults to put it up, though! 🙂

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