Saturday 30th May 2015 – The dangers of a roof box

Hello folks, Aristotle here again. We’ve heard from Shadow and she’s having a good trip. She had a near miss yesterday. They went to a shopping centre and our Mistress completely forgot she had a roof box on top of the car. If Shadow hadn’t woofed when she did there would have been real trouble. As it turned out our Mistress stopped a metre or two short of hitting the bar. It was a close run thing, but all was well in the end. They found somewhere to park that did not involve going under a metal bar and everyone was happy, particularly the roof box!

In the meantime I am doing my utmost to misbehave. It’s fun leading Alfie a merry dance by playing the difficult puppy. After over three years I’ve got the behaviour down to a fine art. I pounce on him when he thinks he can relax and run rings around him at other times, literally rather than metaphorically. He should be grateful there’s only one of me to cause trouble! As always we’re missing our Mistress and saving some energy to pounce all over her when she gets back. She said there was one point of the drive that was a bit disconcerting. She was driving along the motorway when the sat-nav suddenly said ‘At the end of the road, in one mile, turn left.’ Thankfully the road did not end and the sat-nav got over its confusion and behaved as though nothing had happened. I think to be honest it had got a bit fed up as there was a 15km traffic jam round Antwerp and our Mistress decided to take a ‘better’ route and ignore the sat-nav’s repeated calls for her to turn round. It delayed the journey but they got there in the end.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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