It’s Ari here again. How’ve you been? Now I don’t want to go counting my chickens, or red-legged partridges for that matter, before they’ve hatched, but I think I may be top dog. I can’t quite work out if I’ve gained the upper paw or if Mum (Shadow), because she’s all hormonal, is just being nice to me. Now you may think this is only a small thing, but there are rules in our house. One of them is that no one, absolutely no one (except our Mistress who is top of the pack overall) gets to take a chew away from Shadow. If she wants a chew that either Alfie or I have she just gives us ‘the look’ and we just raise a paw in apology and quietly walk away.
Anyway, something odd happened this week. As a special treat our Mistress gave Shadow one of the long treats. They are about a foot long and usually become her prized possession for quite a long period of time. She has a good chew on them, carries them round, takes them to her bed and sometimes just lies watching them. If she gets accidentally separated from them then as soon as she can she rushes to check how they are. It’s all a bit obsessive, but we let her get on with it. This week was different. She chewed her way through half of it and then, I was having one of those moments of bare faced cheek that I seem to experience on a quite regular basis, I asked if I could have the other half. She said ‘Yes’. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t have to growl or anything. This is unheard of. She just walked away and let me have the other half. Of course, it didn’t feel such a prize not being hard won, but I still enjoyed it and have spent the whole of the time since trying to figure out what it all means. I did try asking Alfie, but he says nothing like that has ever happened to him so he really couldn’t help. Watch out world, Aristotle is in the ascendency and he’s feeling GOOD!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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