It turns out that I should not have pointed out that there was a possibility of the puppies being born on our Mistress’s birthday. She suddenly realised that that would mean they would all have the same birthday. Now I know that may have been obvious to you and me, but it took a while for the logic to hit home for our Mistress. Anyway, once it did she said, “I’d have to keep them all. I couldn’t give away puppies that shared the same birthday.” I’ll leave you to imagine what Alfie’s response to that was, even before our Master had the opportunity to weigh in with some sense. Anyway, the upshot is that we are now sincerely hoping that they do not share her birthday. However, there is another twist to the story. The girl in Switzerland that we might have a puppy from is at about the same stage before her season as Shadow. Now, wouldn’t it be cool if we could have a puppy that was born on her birthday? Wouldn’t that be the coolest 50th birthday present every? We shall just have to wait to see what happens but we’ll have more idea in the next month or so.
Our Mistress getting on with writing her book, rather than taking time away from us, is paying dividends. There is a lot of dog walking going on. I’m not saying there is dog walking in the book. It’s just our Mistress finds it the best way to think. She takes one or other of us out and talks through the chapter she is about to write. She’d got a bit stuck yesterday so we all got long walks to help. I think we sorted her out in the end, but it wasn’t easy. I hope she will include me in the acknowledgements for the book!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com