It’s not what you might think. I’m not especially down, it’s just that I had a bit of an encounter with a freshly painted wall yesterday and we did a bit of sharing. I gave it a few dog hairs and it gave me a blue tinge to my coat. It was unfortunate, but I had decided I wanted a cuddle at the same time as my Mistress was trying to do a spot of repainting and it didn’t quite go according to plan. I was forgiven … after she’d stopped laughing at me, which I thought was a bit mean as a first reaction.
I’ve been reading about the plans of the Conservative Government to make changes to the Human Rights Act. Now I don’t know what they have in mind exactly, but I’m hoping that they will make sure all the existing rights stay in place and that the act can be extended to become the Human and Canine Rights Act, given us equality under the law. If nothing else it would give recourse to dogs held under the Dangerous Dogs Act to be treated more fairly under the law and should help to cut down on any compulsory euthanasia. Of course if it takes away any rights or prevents recourse to the European Court of Human Rights then that won’t be a good things and I’ll be very worried about it for humans.
Meanwhile my Mistress’s writing challenge is going well. She has managed 3200 words in 2 days, so to achieve her goal for the months she has just 26,800 to go. The good news is that her novel is progressing well, although she said she’d have been feeling fresher for writing yesterday if she had not drunk quite so much wine the night before! At least she was honest.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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