We are very concerned that our near relatives the foxes are at risk of a repeal of the hunting ban. Making our fellow dogs kill them is no better than supporting dog fighting, which is barbaric. Now don’t get me wrong, I like eating meat as well as the next dog, but there is a big difference between killing an animal for food and killing it for sport. You only have to look at the many videos doing the rounds to realise that animals or all types are more intelligent and more like humans that our two-legged friends ever gave us credit for. There are some lovely videos of fox cubs playing with a dog’s ball and of others that have been domesticated and live as pets. It is not so long ago that we turned up on your doorstep and asked to live in closer community to you, and you opened your hearts to us in the same way that we did to you. It is with that in mind that we’d like to encourage all our dog loving friends out there to sign this petition (HERE) to call for the ban on fox hunting to stay in place. You may not have been able to elect my Pet Dogs Democratic Party to Parliament to form a government, but you can still work with us to try to make sure the right things are done.
I was thinking about which roles I would have given to Aristotle and Shadow if I were at present in No 10 forming my Cabinet. I think Shadow would have had to be responsible for Family or Health matters. She’s the one who looks after all of us and has, after all, had eighteen children so far. Having said that, our Mistress said we might want to use her to head up defence. Her soft cuddly exterior cloaks and fist of iron and woe betides anyone who crosses her. Aristotle would need something quite demanding. I think he might do well in Education, given how well trained he has got our Mistress!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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