Monday 11th May 2015 – Feeling Positive

For a few hours of the week at least, I have set out to feel positive about the weeks ahead. Oh I know when Shadow and Aristotle get up I shall put all that behind me and go back to my position as grumpy old man, but I’ve been doing some thinking and as things stand at the moment I am working with a positive attitude. I blame my Mistress, she sat me down and explained that if things don’t go your way that doesn’t mean you give up. You just have to pick yourself up, brush yourself down and try again. Apparently, feeling sorry for myself wasn’t a constructive approach and was only going to make me miserable. I can see her point, but I’m now faced with having to do a bit of a rethink. If the way I’ve approached things hasn’t worked so far, then I clearly need to try a different strategy. I suspect I’m not alone in going through this thinking at the moment. I just have to remember that if something matters to me enough then I have to do something about it. I still believe we dogs should attain equality, but I think it’s time to sell my policies to more humans who can actually make a difference on our behalf, rather than targeting other dogs who don’t get to vote. My view on cats has not changed, and it will still cost them more to join the party! When it came down to in the election, we were one of the only parties talking about the importance of civil liberties and equality and our voice wasn’t heard by enough people. We will bring about an end to apartheid on our beaches and in our parks and our exclusion from so many buildings. It’s just a question of how we bring it about.

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