I heard from one of my half-sisters yesterday. She has torn her cruciate ligament. The sad thing is that she tore the other one three years ago so is now having to have her second operation and time of enforced rest. I met her when I went to the Netherlands and we were hoping to have a puppy from her when she had another litter. However, sensibly, given she is already seven years old, her humans have decided that she won’t have another litter now. We can understand that as we had the same worry when Shadow was injured. Thankfully Shadow didn’t need an operation and is a little bit younger, but you do have to put her health first so our Mistress would probably have made the same decision. I think our Mistress is now hoping she will have a puppy from Switzerland instead, but needs to talk to her friend there. I’m disappointed. I was looking forward to having one of my nieces come to live with us, but I shall just have to look after another puppy instead. I think our Mistress is hoping that I can go with her on any visits so that I build up a bond with the puppy right from the start. That would be nice as then maybe she’d look out for me when the others are being mean. I don’t make friends as easily as Ari does. I don’t have his cheeky grin and charm. I prefer to sit in the background a little bit so it would be nice to have a special bond.
In moving the office round to do the varnishing, our Mistress has got carried away and spring-cleaned the whole room too. She has even gone through everything on the book case and that is no small job! The process has involved a certain amount of throwing things out so it doesn’t get so dusty in future and that has to be a good thing!
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