I’m having a lovely weekend. Saturday I spend a day with my human paternal grandparents and yesterday I spent with my girlfriend. When we saw my paternal grandparents we went round the Biddenham Heritage Trail and it was really good. It’s only just been opened and it has six boards around the village with information about the old buildings. Each board has some paintings by local artists with images of the locations. I felt so proud, my granddad is the only artist with a painting on every board and they really are very good. We saw all of them and spent ages discussing which was our favourite. My Mistress liked the one of a row of cottages best, but my favourite was definitely the bridge. We got to walk across a field full of cowslips too, which was lovely. If you are in the Bedford area, it is well worth a walk around the trails.
Then yesterday we went to see my Mistress’s Goddaughter, which meant we saw my girlfriend, Bella, too. We had a lovely walk around a park and I was even happy to drink from the river without being worried about getting my paws wet. It’s great when I’m with Bella as I don’t worry about all the other dogs at all and if I do get even a little bit anxious she makes sure they don’t come too close to me.
We’re on our way home now and calling at my maternal grandparents on the way, so I shall get another day of being spoilt. The others are going to be so jealous about my weekend when I get back and tell them all about it. I’ve stayed in some nice hotels too, which is always a bonus. The one on Saturday night was good, because there were some really nice people who all made a fuss of me.
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