Wednesday 15th April 2015 – Someone is going to get hurt

Someone is going to get hurt and I do not intend it to be me. Shadow and Aristotle have been apart for the last few weeks while Shadow’s leg has been heeling. They have of course missed each other, but the main question now they are back together is who is going to be top dog. Aristotle is clearly of the opinion that his mother has had her day, whereas Shadow is more in the ‘It ain’t over until the fat lady sings’ camp. She is throwing her little barrel bodyweight around to prove a point and if Aristotle doesn’t give in and agree soon I suspect an injury will be inflicted to prove a point. I asked my Mistress to stop them barking, but she says that it’s unlikely she’s going to get that far until they have worked it out between them. I’m doing the only sensible thing of retreating to the peace of the kitchen and leaving my Mistress to keep an eye on proceedings and watch for blood. Shadow says she is being hampered by having two bad legs, but that’s just the point as far as I can see. We all reach a point where something hampers our supremacy and maybe Aristotle is right that it’s his time. Of course, if he does get to be top dog I’m not sure how that’s all going to work as I don’t think he really knows what to do with all the power. It’s only a few more weeks until Shadow will go into her ‘pre-season cuddly phase’ so at least there will be some relief then if they are still trying to work it out!

Did I tell you that while they were away my humans visited the International Spy Museum? Apparently it was very good but what made my Mistress laugh was that everywhere she went there were mothers saying to children ‘Have you seen your dad?’ It seems the middle aged men were all having a brilliant time and taking ages to go round everything. Some of them might have gone undercover of course and been in disguise so unrecognisable to their families.

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