Tuesday 14th April 2015 – Shadow strikes again

You wouldn’t think it was possible. When my Mistress got home, Shadow hadn’t so much as run into the house with her before there was blood everywhere. Ok that is a slight exaggeration, but the blood did start on the fourth step up from the back door before we got to the kitchen. We have no idea how she managed to tear her claw between the car and the back door, but that it’s what she’d done and badly enough that she then had to spend half the day at the vet having her claw removed. She was feeling pretty sorry for herself by the end of things and our Mistress was impressed by just how much blood she’d manage to distribute before our Mistress was able to get a binding on it to stop the flow. On the bright side, she’s recovering well and her back leg is on the mend as well. She’s not fit enough to get too carried away just yet, but she is doing just fine. Regrettably as she has been sitting around quite a lot for the last few weeks she is now on a new diet and exercise regime to get her fit for having puppies again. She is on gentle walks at the moment but that will increase over the next few weeks. I’m just glad it doesn’t apply to me as her food has been cut down too and she is not so impressed about that.

I always thought the idea of a holiday was to have a rest, but listening to our Mistress it sounds as though she has come home for the rest. It doesn’t help that she’s come home full of cold. My Master had it while they were away and has generously passed it on. I’ve said that if it’s all the same to them I won’t feel at all left out if they don’t give it to me too.

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