Sunday 12th April 2015 – Wanted in Several States

Whilst Alfie’s been holding the fort back here, our humans have been on holiday in America. As long as they have been allowed out of the country they will be home this morning. You may think I’m joking, but some aspects of the trip have not gone quite according to plan. They hired a car to drive the three hundred miles from Washington to Connecticut. They had done 200 when Andy, in the back of the car, said ‘What does that thing on the window say about pulling it out for tolls?’ After the initial response of ‘Be quiet we’re trying to concentrate,’ it began to dawn on them what he’d said. Yes, sure enough they had been going through toll booths thinking they were covered and they weren’t. Further investigation suggests they are awaiting fines from the states of Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey at the very least. As to how much, they won’t know until it appears on my Mistress’s credit card as there was no way to sort it out before the charges arrive. They came close to a further problem the day that they were supposed to return the car hire but my Mistress was too poorly to travel. Eventually my Master found someone to authorise them to keep the car an extra day rather than find themselves being wanted for car theft as well.

I did tell them they should have stayed home with us, but they didn’t listen. To be honest, I’m probably a little bit jealous of the adventure they’re having. I wanted to go with them, but apparently there are restrictions on things like that. I offered to walk on two legs and go in disguise but apparently they could have got into even more trouble for that.  It will be good to have them home again.

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