It’s Aristotle here and I’ve been thinking that I’d like a pet of my own. I’m an adult now and could look after one. It doesn’t have to be a puppy, they grow up and cause trouble. Obviously I can’t have a rabbit as I’ve heard about Alfie’s reaction to rabbits and I’d be very upset if mine came to any harm. Andy says he wants a lizard, but I don’t think that’s really my thing. I’d like something furry that I can play with. I’d wondered about a cat, but I’m not sure that Mum would be very good around a cat. I think she might chase it and that wouldn’t be fair on the cat. I suppose I’ll have to make do with a soft toy and just pretend. I suspect that’s all I’m actually going to get. Alfie pointed out that asking for a pet can backfire. He wanted one and was landed with me and Shadow. I think I should probably take offence at that statement.
It definitely seems to be spring now and everything is growing. I’ve been wanting to check if the parsnips have come through, but, wisely, our Mistress has put a cover over them to stop me looking. I can’t think why she doesn’t trust me! She has said I can help her to plant the carrots soon, so I shall have to wait for that. I’m hoping we can soon have the back door left open some of the time so we can go in and out as we please and enjoy the sunshine when it’s around. I think our Mistress is thinking of putting up some sort of screen to stop the birds flying in, so we might have to learn how to open that first.
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