Tuesday 31st March 2015 – I am not grumpy

I resent the comparison. Our Mistress has started to nickname me Victor and not because of my success. She says I’m becoming a real grumpy old man and that I remind her of Victor Meldrew from the programme ‘One Foot in the Grave’. Well what am I supposed to say to that? I’ve been a bit irritable recently, but surely that’s forgivable at my age. Apparently one of the things that is leading her to think that is because whenever I’m not happy about something I now bark. Apparently I’m not happy about things quite often. I think she’s missing the point. I am happy when I get into bed with her early in the morning and I don’t bark then. I am happy for the couple of hours it’s just the two of us before the others get up. I am happy when she takes me out on my own. You may be noticing a theme here. It’s not that I’m basically a grumpy or unhappy dog it’s just that what I want more than anything else in the world is to have her all to myself. Oh I don’t mind sharing her with my Master, I get something back in that situation. I just don’t really want to have to share her with other dogs. It’s not so bad with Shadow as she sees our Master as her number one human and I wouldn’t argue back with her anyway. It’s just Aristotle. He’s too cute and I guess I’m jealous of his youth and vitality and his sheer joy for life. I wasn’t like that when I was young, at least not as far as I can remember. I’ve always wanted a quieter life and now I’m older I want it even more. That doesn’t make me grumpy!

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