Sunday 29th March 2015 – Gardening is not her strongest suit

I knew she should have left the ordering to me. Oh I don’t mind her doing the heavy lifting and building of the troughs but she clearly needs a bright young dog like me to do the ordering. She missed that the vegetable troughs came with liners and bought separate liners as well. Now she has three spare vegetable trough liners for a rainy day. That wouldn’t be so bad but it’s the compost that is the biggest problem. The site told her how to work out how much she needed. She worked it out carefully and concluded that with the compost from the garden (which tastes pretty good I might add), she’d have enough. She has move barrow load after barrow load, while the three of us watch from the comfort and warmth of inside. She has now filled two of the three troughs. The sack of compost she bought is only a third empty! One compost bin in the garden is now half empty. She still has two thirds of a bulk bag and one and half compost bins and only on one vegetable troughs to fill. Oh the joy. I thought it meant there was going to be a large pile of soil in the garden somewhere for me and Alfie to dig in whenever we chose, but now she’s got into her head that she can combine the two errors and increase her crops. As the spare liners will have to stand on the ground she’s going to have to put them in the front garden to ‘stop Aristotle digging in them! I ask you, as if I’d want to get mud under my nails! Anyway, she’s going to see if it works to grow squash in the trough liners on the front and Grandpa has offered her some potato bags to grow her sweet potatoes in when they arrive, so she’s seeing her over-ordering as an opportunity rather than an error. Isn’t it amazing how humans can kid themselves?

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