Wednesday 25th March 2015 – Ari’s Been Rumbled

If you read the comments on yesterday’s entry you will already know that Ari has been rumbled. Apparently the reason he was sitting so nicely in the photograph at the meeting wasn’t that he is a good dog, it was because he’d just spotted a stray treat and was hoping it might come his way. I thought there must be a good reason. I live with him and he’s not prone to being so well behaved. He is still claiming that’s unfair and he was just being good, but I really don’t believe him.

My trip to the vet yesterday went well, as well as any visit involving a needle can go. I’ve become much more philosophical with age and no longer squirm at the mere sight of the needle. In fact even when it was stuck into my side I didn’t so much as flinch. It turns out the odd swelling I’ve got on my shoulder is another fatty lump. The difference with this one is that because of its size and where it is, if it gets any bigger it might impede movement so I might have to have it removed. I’m now willing it to go down. We’re still waiting for Shadow’s results but they should come through any day now and we’ll get to find the extent of the problem.

You will be pleased to hear that the vegetable troughs have now been completed and all that remains is to get them into position and fill them with compost. That and grow something in them of course! To be honest compared to the building I think that might be the easy stage. Getting them outside once built was awkward but fortunately not impossible. None of us fancied them being obstacles in the kitchen and hall for much longer. If nothing else they were blocking our Mistress’s access to the wine in the fridge!

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