Tuesday 24th March 2015 – Fun Day Photos

A really nice man called Adrian took lots of photos of the Fun Day and has put them so you can all see them HERE I’m not in any of them, but Ari is wearing a black and white harness and Shadow is in a photo with him trying to pull our Master they way they wanted to go! I have to say Ari looks very well behaved where he’s sitting nicely under the table during the AGM part of the day! Looks can be deceptive, that’s all I’m saying. I’m the one off to the vet this morning with a big fluidy lump on my shoulder that our Mistress thinks may have been caused by Ari attacking me, at least she’s hoping that’s what it is and so am I.

I could tell what a great time they’d had on Sunday from how quiet they all were yesterday, even our Mistress. She said if it weren’t for her long ‘to do’ list there was nothing she’d have like more than to go back to bed. I voted in favour, but the list won. Ari and I did have some fun sniffing all the equipment that had been to fun day. It gave the opportunity me to check out the dogs who were there, even though I hadn’t seen them in person. There were several I wasn’t familiar with, but they were youngsters so I’m guessing they were the recent imports. It actually made me wish I had gone, but I know I would have regretted it if I had been there, especially as my girlfriend couldn’t go. I’m nagging our Mistress to find a date she can take me away for another weekend to see my girlfriend. I think she’s talking to our Master about it, so paws crossed.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book  as well as our other books are available HERE

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

1 Comment

  1. Ari was being a bit deceptive, my humans were bribing me to keep quiet with treats and he spotted one just before the photo was taken!

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