Friday 20th March 2015 – I’m appalled

This is exactly why I was left with no alternative but to set up the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. It’s all very well the Budget being applauded as being a good budget for savers and a good budget for most families, but there is a key word missing. ‘Human’! It’s a good budget for ‘human’ savers and ‘human’ families, but it has done nothing to improve the situation of the average dog.  Has a Labrador seen any improvement to his situation? Is a Jack Russell going to be any better off? Has the plight of the homeless dog population been eased? Is our bone cupboard any safer than it was? Has education been opened up to your average mongrel? No! The answer to all of these is NO!

Oh sure, it may be our humans have more in their pocket, but are they going to share that with us? I doubt it. We need change now. I’m even thinking of opening talks with the SNP as it looks increasingly likely that they will be playing a major part in the next Parliament. If I pledge dog support to an independent Scotland, perhaps they will take our claims seriously and work with us. We are not a minority when you think that there are 9 million dogs in the UK and just over 5 million humans living in Scotland. Our voice should be heard. Of course you can add your voice by joining the party or even email me with your views.

It’s all very well Labour saying they won’t reverse the measures in the budget, but who’s going to bring us dogs within their scope? We’re prepared to be taxed as long as we also receive pay and all the other benefits awarded to humans. All we ask is justice. Vote PDDP!

Alfie’s Diary – the Book  as well as our other books are available HERE

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