It is very sad in the aftermath of Crufts to hear so many stories of problems. It is important not to lose sight of the good side of things. It was a fantastic show and gives people the opportunity to see us all in a way that very few other things to. I can’t pretend to understand the show world, but I do understand first paw the relationship between dogs and humans and I think that Crufts is a wonderful celebration of it all. Oh we were proud of Basil with his Reserve Best Dog in the Import Working category, but we were also proud of the great job that he and the rest of us did on our Discover Dogs stand meeting simply thousands of people over the four days. My Mistress loves the parts that celebrate the difference we dogs can make to the lives of those who have ill health or disability. The Eukanuba Friends For Life completion is a remarkable celebration of that. There were many thousands of people

at Crufts showing, doing obedience, working trials, agility, in Discover Dogs or taking part in other activities and out of all that there were only a handful of problems. Of course it is essential that a full investigation takes place into the humans that got it wrong, but from the dog’s point of view, let’s not forget how well my fellow four legged friends did and that they were not the ones committing the crimes. It will be my last time going, but I’m glad I was there. I was very tired afterwards and Ari says that if anyone needs to stand in for Shadow again then he is willing to do it as long as he can be rolled along in his chariot and doesn’t have to walk! I’d like to thank the organisers too. It can’t be easy looking after us all, but everything really went very smoothly.
Shadow had her x-ray yesterday but it was inconclusive so she has to go to see a specialist next week. In the meantime she is allowed only limited exercise but doesn’t have to be kept quite as immobile as she was earlier in the week. She’s rather down in the dumps but glad to be allowed back with us all in the office.
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