Friday 6th March 2015 – Getting Ready to Go

Della and Aristotle

I have a lovely relaxing day with my grandparents yesterday and now I’m psyching myself up for a day that will be very tiring and stressful. Our Mistress has been trying to work out the best route to walk with me when we get there. I’ve said I’d like to avoid walking past the Labradors and Jack Russells and she’s said we need to avoid the very smallest toy breeds, but for different reasons. I can’t help thinking some of them are rats and should be treated as vermin. They don’t even smell right for a dog! Anyway, we’re trying to find the quietest route round to get to our stand, but we’re not expecting it to be easy. At the end of the day she says we could walk the long way round the outside to the car park if I feel up to it, but I think it might be too far for me.

We’ve got a bag of treats and chews to keep me occupied and I’ve asked if I can wear my new coat as it’s not as warm out as I’d like. The truth is that I think it looks quite smart and you see lots of dogs in their special outfits and I wanted to look as good as they do. I know some of them are trying to keep clean for the show ring, but it’s just as important that I look my best too.  The good news is that we don’t have an early start today. I’m not at my best first thing. The downside if that is it will already be crowded by the time we arrive. I guess you can’t have everything. Annie will be there this morning and Basil, but it will just be me this afternoon as Basil will be in the show ring. I think we’re hoping to go to see him but it will depend how I’m feeling about all the other dogs.

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