Thursday 5th March 2015 – The Quiet Before the Storm

Today is my rest day before having to work hard for three days. I reminded my Mistress that I’m supposed to have weekends off now and have delegated those to Aristotle, sadly she was less than sympathetic. Apparently, with Shadow being injured we all have to do our bit to chip in. I asked what Aristotle was doing and didn’t get a satisfactory reply. I don’t suppose for a minute he’s thought to wait on his mother paw and paw. Shadow is being very brave, but says her leg isn’t showing any sign of improvement yet. It did make me think just how much fuss Ari or I would be making at this stage and I felt a little humbled by how Shadow is dealing with it.

My Mistress has said she wants to go to the Record Office to look at something on her family tree today. I said that was fine, what time should I be ready? I was most put out to hear that I’m not allowed to go. Another example of dogist behaviour. Nor am I invited to go out for lunch because they aren’t going somewhere that is dog friendly! Why is it I have to be ‘people friendly’ but they don’t have to be dog friendly in return?

That however reminds me that I have good news. I’ve finished putting together my party political broadcast and it’s ready to go live. It’s really very exciting and I shall tell you just as soon as it’s uploaded and ready for you to watch. Your job then will be to help me make it go viral. I know you can do it but that’s your job for Monday so you’ve got a few days to think about it.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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