Having settled on ‘Inventor’ as my chosen career path I need to come up with my first invention to justify the name. Now, I’ve been reading about inventors and it turns out that it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t actually work, or come close to doing the job it was invented for. In some instances it will turn out that my invention could be used for something else entirely and in other instances it’s ok if it is completely useless as long as it looks slightly crazy. I’m going to skip the chapters on the inventors who killed themselves in the process of developing their inventions, that doesn’t seem all that bright at all.
I thought I’d start by looking at the household challenges that face a dog. I could argue getting out of my crate was high up, but I proved years ago that I could do that if I really want to and besides I rather like my crate. Having ruled that out, I think it’s going to have to be opening the freezer door. The handle of the fridge is higher so I think starting with the freezer would be good practice. Our freezer door as far as I can observe is more of a lever than a handle, so I need to get something behind it that can pull the handle forward. I’m thinking along the lines of a little platform I can stand on with my paw that will be attached to a stick that will act to pull it forwards. I did wonder about attaching a giant hand, just for fun, but I think I may be overcomplicating things. It is definitely not a freezer you would choose with a view to opening it with your paw or mouth directly. I’ll let you know how I get on. The others, except our Mistress, are delighted as the project will, in their view, keep me out of mischief and may have a happy end result. From my Mistress’s point of view, for some reason she seems to think it’s a bad idea, but I really can’t think why. I’m just fixing my thoughts on the steak in the second drawer up from the bottom!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com