Friday 20th February 2015 – And the Winner is…

I love this bit, where I announce our competition winners. It’s not just because I give nice news to people but I think it’s fun using a random number generator on the internet. We count up all the entries, and there were a lot this time and then we ask a random number generator to select a number from the range of the number of entries. Then counting from the first entrant that one wins a prize. As we’ve got two lots to give away we did it twice. And the winners are Louise Whitehouse and Sharon Galliford. Your tickets will be on their way to you shortly, I think our Mistress said she is emailing one of you for an address to send them to. Have a super time at Crufts and do look in on the Entlebucher Mountain Dog stand in Discover Dogs. Our Mistress says if you are there when she is it would be great to take your photo with our breed so I can include it in my diary. The answer of course is that the Working dogs show in Friday.

Shadow has been putting together a list of the things she wants to see at Crufts when she gets breaks from the stands. She says she’s looking ahead to her retirement from breeding and thinking she might take up a dog sport. She’s always been good at agility and says she wouldn’t mind having a go at that or flyball. She is very fast and unlike me, she’s nimble too. The only problem with our breed and sport that involves a ball is we all seem to be just a little bit ball obsessed. Ok, for ‘a little’ in some cases read ‘manically’ obsessed. One of Shadow’s daughter’s is not allowed to play ball anymore as she just doesn’t know how to stop. She only has to see a ball to become absolutely wired. I guess it’s like any addiction. If you really are like that there are no half-measures. Either you feed your addiction or you steer clear altogether. I’ve said in the interest of our sanity perhaps Shadow might consider the agility preferably or even dancing with dogs – although neither of those play to our Mistress’s strengths. There could be a lot to be said for obedience but that doesn’t play to Shadow’s strengths!

Even if you haven’t won tickets do go along to Crufts it’s a great day out and there is more than you will ever have chance to see in a single day. The show is open from 8.15am to 7.30pm You can buy your tickets HERE If you want to get the best out of Discover Dogs, it’s best to be around either at the start of the day or the end (that part is open from 9am to 4pm) as you really get chance to get close to us then. It can get a bit busy around lunchtime.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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