Wednesday 18th February 2015

Swimming yesterday was strange. Shadow came to watch me. I’ve never swum with Shadow watching before, it was mildly unnerving. I did of course feel compelled to work really hard to show her what I could do, but then it left me feeling very tired afterwards. Our Mistress made us both stand on the scales too, not at the same time you understand! I weighed 29.4kg while Shadow was only 24.2kg. Even then she said she wasn’t happy and thought she might need to lose a kilogram or two. You know what girls are like! I just thought I was ok to keep asking for treats and was safe to finish my dog beer and pizza. I was quite pleased when Shadow said she wouldn’t mind trying swimming and our Mistress told her she would have to make do with walking as things are. It’s always nice to feel I’m special, even if it is because I’ve got a bad back!

I’ve sent all my press releases for my forthcoming book launch. I’ve even offered to go into the radio station to talk to them personally. I hope I get chance to do that as it would be fun. It’s times like this it would help to know the right people, but I don’t. One day it will be a question of knowing the right dogs, but I’m no more likely to know them either! Ari is better at schmoozing than I am. He just has that way about him. I’m more like our Mistress preferring to sit back and watch or in my case have the occasional sniff, though I can assure you that our Mistress does not do that!

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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