Why do humans make so much work for themselves? I’ve spent my weekend watching the patio taking shape outside, while my Mistress went to and fro to the tip with endless amounts of garden waste and cardboard. Then when she’d done that she came home and started painting the walls. Why? We dogs are so much simpler in our demands of life. Ok, to be fair we are more than happy to move into the lovely homes that humans build and make nice for us, but when have you ever heard the dog suggesting spending their Saturday doing such pointless jobs? We don’t much care if the wall we are going to leave pawprints on is purple or not. We’re not overly fussed whether the garden has a patio. We just accept what comes our way as it is. Ok, so we will enjoy eating the vegetables that our Mistress plans to grow in pots on the patio and we won’t object to sitting out there with her on a nice warm sunny day on a lounger, but if it weren’t there we’d be almost as happy. I did enjoy running through the sand that had been made all smooth to lay the slabs on, but that’s another story! Then there was the wood delivery. That was more my thing. Alfie said it reminded him of his younger days ‘helping’ to stack the wood when he lived in Belgium and running off with the occasional piece to amuse himself with. I of course took that as an invitation! I didn’t want to get too much in the way as I do rather like sitting by the fireside. It’s not something I want to discourage.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com