Friday 6th February 2015 – A Party Political Broadcast on Behalf of the PDDP

Have they no heart? Isn’t one injection enough? Whose idea was it to split our annual vaccinations into two parts? I went only four weeks ago and had a needle stuck into me, quite apart from the day they did my tests and now I find I have to go again today. I have been reassured there won’t be a horrible squirt up my nose for kennel cough today, so that is a bonus. However the bad news is that I have to have a repeat of the blood test that showed my white cell count to be low. Don’t they know I don’t like needles? Is it too much to ask to stop using me as a pin-cushion?

Yesterday my Mistress came back from a meeting full of ideas. Now I’ve learnt on those occasions to keep my head down. However, she found me and put one of the ideas to me. ‘I want you to film a party political broadcast for the Pet Dogs Democratic Party’ she said. I stopped suddenly and asked her to repeat what she’d said. She really does want me to film a party broadcast ready for the launch. I’ve never done anything like that before. How am I supposed to talk to camera? I’m not used to it. I need to think about which of our key messages I want to get across. Apparently if I do it well enough she is going to upload it to Youtube for the launch. I need to make sure I look my best. This is not going to be easy. For a start I need to think about whether to include Shadow and Aristotle or just have me talking to camera. I will of course tell you how it is coming on so that you can watch it when it’s ready.

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